I attented Cal-Poly for two years then married Carl Lowry and moved to San Francisco. We lived in the bay area until 1974. Then we sold everything and with our three kids and a traval trailer set out to see the US. We traveled, made and sold leather belts and purses and I home schooled the kids for 18 mos. Part of our goal was to find a place to settle in and have a small farm where we could grow our own food. (remember the back to the landers of the '70s.)
We bought and farmed in Brown County, Indiana. We had sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, chickens, cattle and horses plus a large garden. ( good thing we were young.) In about 1985 Carl and I devorced and I met Jim . We were married in 1992. I finished collage at IU and worked with the Head Start program for 15 years. We both retired in 2007 and moved to Shoals, IN. Where we bought two houses. One is a saltbox colonial and the other is made of two historic log cabins. One was hand-hewn in 1840 and the other in 1856. In the '70's someone dismantled them and rebuilt them into one log home on this site. We live in the log home and run a, one guest group at a time, B&B. The saltbox is a vation rental. We are kept busy and have had guests from Calif., Mont. Japan and all over the midwest.