Bill McCraw Fairfax

Profile Updated: December 10, 2014
Bill McCraw
Bill McCraw


Bill McCraw


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: Santa Rosa, CA USA
Occupation: Youth Counselor- Personal Trainer- RE Invest
Children: Christian Fairfax, born 1991 Professional Stuntman Parkour professional see Youtube videos my son. My More…son just opened "flying Frog Freerunning" Gymnastic school for Stuntmen ala American Ninja or Jackie Chan. Son crazy like his Dad no fear of dangerous pursuits. Dropped out of college after 5 years pre-Pediatric Occupational Therapy to open his school.
Military Service: Army  

I would love to see Barbie and others at reunion but trying to make a career as a professional fitness Guru ala Jack Lalanne. Sorry to say I have a conflict October 25 competing in Natural West USA Bodybuilding and Natural Olympia in November. August 9, 2014 I won Natural Mr. California 4th consecutive year got waist down to 34.5 inches from 50 inches a few years back when had heart stents and double hip replacement. Discovered that I was better at writing songs poems and Screenplays rather than the "Great American Novel" so have worked graveyard shift Greenacres Homes Youth Counselor for 13 years primarily studying Screenwriting. Have outline for Dark Comedy based on my "unpublished" novel "Inside San Quentin - Volume 1 The Executioner's Apprentice." I compete in "Natural" (drug tested) Bodybuilding and Strongman competitions usually at around 90 kilos or 198 pounds bodyweight. At 250 pounds 10 years ago was pre-diabetic and in A-fib.

School Story:

No kid thinks he is popular in high school and I was poor lived in an 8 by 32 ft. long trailer Dad ran off with younger thinner woman. People wonder why I changed my name later from McCraw to Fairfax well now my middle name instead of Charles is "Christianson" ?. I was a Knight walked campus with kids like Dale Knutsen, Dave Goodman Armand Defillipo and quick witted jokester Johnny Gudgel. I washed dishes 6 days a week so with Cross Country and high jumping had to give up the lead in Our Town as the "Stage Manager" Did Pacific Bandstand the "Coca Cola Boy" 13 weeks of pretending I could dance by snapping fingers and clapping hands. Now I teach Ballroom Swing and Latin dancing still awkward intermediate but dream of winning Olympia and auditioning for Dancing With The Stars. I have represented the U.S. internationally in Taekwondo World Championships placed 3rd sparring in 1989 won several Championships as a Black Belt. I was runner-up Natural Olympia 4 years ago but dropped to 4th last year hope to make the podium again this year hate dieting. Quite a journey from a skinny basketball player on JV to Strongman standing pressing over 300 lbs and Deadlifting 600 lbs with 500 Squat now do light weights for high reps metal hips and heart metal can't get through airport without strip search. Bionic Bill is my nickname now. In Army broke my ankle twice tore Achilles tendon was acting E-5 Sergeant Platoon Guide reverted to Private E-2 with medical Honorable Discharge in 1966...probably saved my life would have gone to Viet Nam. We were all Saints back then.

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Mar 21, 2015 at 12:19 PM

Bob, So proud of you writing is my full time job now but you are finishing books and publishing so difficult with Screenplays and novels that I am editing now. Every waiter in Hollywood and every guy who ever was a cop or soldier or worked in some "Cuckoo" field says he is "writing a book"...but one out of thousands ever finish the Albatross. Of course many if not most are fabricating never applied their asses to a chair and sweat through the mind bending ordeal of completing the job...but you did it man...SO PROUD OF YOU.
P.S. I AM EDITING 5 PAGES A DAY "INSIDE SAN QUENTIN" VOL. 1 EXECUTIONER'S APPRENTICE WHILE ON 6 MONTHS MEDICAL LEAVE NEW TITANIUM SHOULDER. Bob let's plan to meet at a reunion and swap books in person you look great...let's do it while we are "still young". I just got surgeon's release to start lifting weights again 3 months since 3rd shoulder operation. This was the big one replacement 100% success. By the way Montel Williams you know were in Middle East with him ex-military had breast cancer perhaps miss diagnosed had double mastectomy still around Academy grad. I had a chance to go with Dad Marine Step-Dad Navy flyer could not pass physical rupture eardrums vertigo bad back unstable right ankle Asthma etc. etc. But the good old Army drafted me anyway...cliché right way wrong way and "The Army Way". Hey we went Army Bob and did ok in life and it is "A Wonderful Life". Love to All, Bill McCraw Christensen Fairfax

Dec 10, 2014 at 11:56 AM

Pat Paden the All American girl look every young man's dream girl always smiling and so nice to everyone lucky Archie broke a lot of hearts by marrying pretty perky Pat Paden. I always wanted to go into Paden's Paints on the chance to see her too shy back in 59.

Oct 10, 2014 at 9:23 AM

I think you and Mas were great ball handlers in basketball so long ago I marveled at how you could spin the ball on the backboard and it would curl in the basket. Funny what we remember about school David Hobbs use to stand next to me at lineup before basketball practice in 8th grade Mr. Scott would yell "Dress Right Dress" military style and David knew all the football and basketball scores from the weekend games on radio then. I tried to tackle Dickie Beale in 7th at El Camino crushed my knee he went on to pro baseball. David was like a genius to the rest of us. Howie Kitagawa the coolest kid in school never a bad word about you man I was afraid to even speak to you and David back then different level of coolness. Enjoy reunion man.

Bill McCraw Fairfax posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 24, 2014 at 12:20 PM

Posted on: Sep 24, 2014 at 10:11 AM

Feliz compleanos Senior mi Espanol horrible pero yo trato hi Hiho habla perfecto y hablas "Dad you try to speak Spanglish with anyone with pigmented skin Greeks impossible pero algunas veces hay personas que hablan terribly as I do and appreciate the effort. To translate "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN...WE HAD GREAT LIVES SO FAR WITH YOUR GENES MOM LIVED ALMOST A CENTURY YOU HAVE LONG WAY TO TRAVEL HOMBRE!

Sep 24, 2014 at 10:01 AM
Bill McCraw Fairfax posted a message on Bob Ulin's Profile. New comment added.
Sep 22, 2014 at 3:09 PM

Posted on: Sep 22, 2014 at 2:28 PM

33 years Bob so proud of you I was a college grad in basic at Ft Jackson busted my ankle twice and tried to stick it out was Platoon Guide E-5 temporary arm band Sergeant scheduled to go to Viet Nam in of all coincidences: Armor Intelligence. Our paths may well have crossed in the Army incredible that you did more than 30 years... I also spent 30 years on and off in Para-Military organizations San Quentin Folsom SF Probation department and last 13 years as Youth Counselor all the while in lots of physical altercations with inmates. I only fired my 25/35 rifle once at San Quentin but dozens of crazy convicts and inmates assaulted me. Martial Arts big part of my life started with Judo and Jiu Jitsu at San Quentin then trained with Byong Yu 6 time World Champion in the 70's then with Don Buck in 78 gave me Honorary Black Belt then went through ATA system for a legitimate Black Belt and won National Championships as blue and Red Belt and was Runner-up Black Belt in 1988 Grand Nationals in Little Rock then represented USA in 1989 World Taekwondo Championships where I place 3r in Sparring. I got the crap beaten out of my a lot as a skinny kid in high school so pumped iron to compensate. I am still thinking about fitting in reunion Barbie Thompson and I sat together at 50th and we even danced together. Later, Bill

Bob Ulin posted a message on Bill McCraw's Profile. New comment added.
Sep 22, 2014 at 2:42 PM

Posted on: Sep 20, 2014 at 7:47 AM

Good to see you're still in shape. Hope to see you at the reunion.
Best, Bob

Bill McCraw Fairfax added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2014 at 2:43 PM
Bill McCraw Fairfax changed "Now" picture.
Sep 19, 2014 at 2:43 PM
Bill McCraw Fairfax changed profile picture.
Sep 19, 2014 at 2:36 PM
Posted: Sep 19, 2014 at 2:29 PM